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At the Urgent Care, I explain to Cougs that Grayson Rodriguez is the best pitcher the Orioles have right now. I nudge the Grayson cutout with my arm, and it falls over crushing my wife’s foot. Later, me and Cougs are watching The Staircase and between us is my make-believe son, Grayson. “Cory, please help me get my make-believe son, Gray, uh, son, onto my couch.” Cory and my new Home Depot friends, who I paid with Venmo, manage to lean the 6’5″, 220-pound cutout onto the couch.

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Me and seven guys who I picked up in a Home Depot parking lot are bringing home a life-sized cutout of Grayson Rodriguez in a wheelbarrow. (NOTE: THIS POST WAS RELEASED EARLY THIS WEEK ON OUR PATREON. Steamer/Razzball 2022 Preseason Projections.Steamer/Razzball 2022 Rest of Season Projections.Top 100 Prospects for 2021 Fantasy Baseball.

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